Numerous articles threw around promises like:
“Find more inner peace”
“Build your confidence and self esteem”
“Be more mindful in your every day life”
I was so excited by these promises that I went to my local studio practically every day and did a different class.
Hatha Flow.
Vinyasa Flow.
Yin Yoga.
Even though I loved the classes and did have the endorphin high after class, it wasn’t trickling into my everyday life.
I still found myself stressed at work and beating myself up over small things. I didn’t feel that high self-confidence, and I most definitely did not feel inner peace.
Why wasn’t I feeling the benefits that the articles had promised?
The articles are very much true. Yoga and meditation do teach you to connect to your body and mind, to become aware of your thoughts, to slow down and dispel stress.
The only issue was that I was doing all of this on the mat, yet reverting back to my old ways immediately after I left the studio.
It wasn’t until I started taking these ideas off of the mat and into my daily life that I started to see real tangible change in my happiness levels.