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The Solution to Quiet Quitting

Team BuildingNews

What is Quiet Quitting?

Can you come in tomorrow a few hours early? Would you mind finishing that big project this weekend? Working late hours is the only path to success, and none of this includes overtime pay or extra benefits. Does this sound like a common theme in your workplace?


If you find yourself saying these sentences and others just like them to your employees,  this may lead to a new phenomenon known as quiet quitting. This Gen-Z-invented term is trending on Tik Tok, Instagram, and even during coffee break conversations in the office.

Quiet quitting is when employees disengage from the workplace and complete the bare minimum in order to not get fired. This is the next level of setting workplace boundaries. Essentially, employees have stopped chasing the “hustle culture” and are focusing on their personal lives as their priorities as opposed to putting in maximum effort in the workplace. 


Some prime examples of this behavior include leaving work at the exact end of one’s shift, demanding additional pay for extra tasks, and setting extremely rigid work/life boundaries. 


In this article, we’ll go over the effects, causes, and solutions to this trendy new office destroyer.

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Quiet quitting is when employees disengage from the workplace and complete the bare minimum in order to not get fired. This is the next level of setting workplace boundaries.

How Does Quiet Quitting Affect Your Business?

Nobody is immune to the dangers of quiet quitting. If you are a manager or CEO with a team, you should be racking your brain for ways to avoid this sweeping new trend. Although the Gen-Zers have coined this term, slacking off due to low motivation is not a new idea, and managers are constantly working on a solution.


Why should motivation be so important to management? Lack of motivation can lead to quiet quitting which has serious effects on your business. One of the biggest issues with quiet quitting is that it is not a punishable offense. There are no grounds for management to fire an employee for completing all of their tasks. 


That’s the trick.


Quiet quitters aren’t neglecting responsibilities, they just aren’t going above and beyond. Do you want to run an office full of people doing “just enough”? And let’s be realistic, it takes more than the hours between 9 to 5 to create something great. 


As a matter of fact, employers all over the world suffer from the effects of quiet quitting. The global economy has lost $7.8 trillion in lost productivity due to the low morale of employees coasting by. That means, if you’re the cause of employees feeling the need to start quiet quitting, you’re wasting your own money. 


Looks like employers and managers everywhere need to start re-assessing their managerial strategy and incorporate solutions. We live in a world where employees value themselves and will stand up for employee rights. So how do we avoid this silent protest and get our employees to want to pour their souls into the company and go above and beyond?

people sitting at a table

What is the Solution to Quiet Quitting?

This brings us to the solution to quiet quitting. What is it you ask? Employee engagement! 


The leading cause of quiet quitting is the constant feeling of isolation and neglect among employees. And what’s the solution to this feeling? Human interaction via live online classes for employees. After covid, 39% of employers changed their health plans to include mental health, so why not prioritize the motivation of your employees as well? 


Amphy offers live online classes and they even specialize in team bonding activities. This is an amazing way to bring your team together for a bonding activity that will releive the stress of the working environment and promote employee engagement.


Another common reason employees are participating in quiet quitting is that they don’t feel as though they have room and opportunity to grow within their workplaces. The best way to combat this would be with Amphy’s live online educational courses. Amphy offers a variety of courses in multiple professional subjects. This will give employees a relevant and entertaining way to upskill themselves which will help them to feel a higher sense of accomplishment in their work.


Amphy’s model of holding all team bonding experiences and educational courses live and online, is great for any work environment, especially for remote workers. Employees that are working remotely are more likely to feel disconnected from their team members which also makes them more likely to engage in quiet quitting. By introducing Amphy’s live online team bonding activities, you will give employees the chance to re-engage and become less likely to join in on the new phenomenon of quiet quitting.

amphy live classes

Is Quiet Quitting Healthy?

The mental and physical health of employees is critical. If employees are exhausted and burnt out, that’s not good for them or your business. This is true even in a world without the idea of quiet quitting. 27% of millennials that resigned, say it was because their work was not good for their mental health. After all, you know what they say, people don’t quit jobs, they quit managers. 


The question stands. Is refusing to work extra hours or answer emails before and after work healthy? Does being less emotionally invested in work produce better mental wellness? 


Let me share the following quotation with you by Dr. Kordowicz Ph.D., associate professor in organizational behavior at the University of Nottingham and director of the Centre for Interprofessional Education and Learning. 


“Quiet quitting is about a conscious effort to uphold our wellbeing in the way we work and to become more boundaried in line with our developmental needs, rather than risk burnout through working long hours or defining ourselves simply through our work,” Dr. Kordowicz continues, “I see people protecting time to reconnect with nature, travel and crucially with one another, helping to uphold their psychological and spiritual health.”


It seems that doctors suggest that quiet quitting acts as a coping strategy to protect ourselves from stress and burnout in the workplace. At the end of the day, the only reason an employee would need to quiet quit is due to a strenuous work environment caused by poor management.

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What Can Managers Do About Quiet Quitting?

Whether you manage a remote working model, or physical location, the need to keep employees happy and motivated is present. A productive office is not one filled with employees that do jack, no, it’s made of motivated teams that sacrifice for the business. 


Quiet quitting occurs as a direct result of poor management. In simple terms, isolated and neglected employees will quiet quit to protect themselves from those negative feelings. 


Luckily, there are solutions to quiet quitting such as Amphy’s team bonding activities and fun, interactive and live experiences. Shaking up the routine with a little online entertainment can go a long way. Especially for those employees working from home. 


Some trends are better left in the past. Let’s do everything we can to provide our employees with a healthy work/life balance so that you’ll never end up with employees like this.

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