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From Novice to Pro: Learning Prompt Engineering Through Examples



Hello there, budding AI enthusiasts! Welcome to this fun and insightful journey into the realm of Prompt Engineering. Don’t worry if this term sounds alien to you; we’ll unravel its mystery together. By the end of this article, you’ll be crafting your own clever prompts, perfect for teasing the best responses out of AI models.

Starting Simple

Before we dive headfirst into the ocean, let’s wade in the shallows first. In the realm of AI, a “prompt” is simply a question or command you give to an AI model.

Example 1: Basic Prompt

Say you’ve just built a simple chatbot. Let’s start with an easy prompt like “Hello”. In this case, your chatbot might respond, “Hi there! How can I assist you today?”

quotation marks

A "prompt" is simply a question or command you give to an AI model.

Adding a Layer of Complexity

With our feet wet, let’s venture a bit deeper. As our AI model becomes more sophisticated, so too must our prompts.

Example 2: More Specific Prompt

Suppose you’re using an AI assistant like Siri or Alexa. A more specific prompt would be “What’s the weather like today?”. Here, you’re not just initiating a conversation but asking for specific information.

Pushing Boundaries

Now that we’re comfortable with specific queries, let’s start pushing the boundaries of what our AI model can do.

Example 3: Multi-Part Prompt

Let’s tell our AI model, “Tell me a joke, and then play my favorite song”. This is a multi-part prompt. It first asks the AI to generate a joke, then to play a song based on your listening history.

From Novice to Pro: Learning Prompt Engineering Through Examples

Exploring Advanced Concepts

Now we’re ready for the deep end, where the real magic happens. Let’s look at complex prompts that require an advanced AI model like GPT-3.

Example 4: Creative Prompt

“Compose a short poem about a sunrise over a peaceful lake.” This prompt not only asks the AI to generate text but also expects it to understand and mimic a human-like creative process.

Mastering Nuance

The highest level of prompt engineering involves crafting prompts that lead to nuanced and contextually aware responses.

Example 5: Contextual Prompt

“Can you continue the story where I left off? The last sentence was, ‘As the castle gates closed, Sarah knew there was no turning back.'” Here, we’re asking the AI to understand the context provided and continue the narrative logically and creatively.

From Novice to Pro: Learning Prompt Engineering Through Examples


And there you have it – from our first simple ‘Hello’ to an intricate storytelling prompt, we’ve swum from the shallows to the depths of prompt engineering. Remember, this is a skill, and like any other, it requires practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different prompts and see what kind of interesting responses you can elicit from your AI models.


So go ahead, put your newfound knowledge to use. Who knows? You might be a natural at this. Dive in and happy prompting!

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