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How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?


How long does it take to learn Python? This article will shed light on this question for new coders. 


Learning to code can seem like a daunting task at first. Thanks to its diverse use in machine learning and data science, Python is a trendy option. But how long would it take to learn Python if you changed your career today? After reading this article, you’ll better understand how long it takes to learn Python, including some factors that could speed up or slow down your progress. 


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Table of contents

How long does it take to learn Python fully?

Most experts agree that it can take two to six months to grasp the fundamentals of Python. However, it usually takes at least a year to fully understand its use. 

How difficult is it to learn Python?

As a modern coding language, Python is one of the easiest to learn, read, and write. This is thanks to the fact that most of the syntax can be read like the English language. 

What is Python used for?

Python is a coding language that is commonly used to build websites, and software, analyze data and automate tasks. 

quotation marks

As a modern coding language, Python is one of the easiest to learn, read, and write.

how long does it take to learn python

Understanding the Learning Curve for Python

These next few sections will investigate how long it takes to learn Python, starting with the learning curve. 


The learning curve depends slightly on the student’s familiarity with coding languages. For those new to coding, the learning curve will be a little steeper initially as the student will be exposed to new concepts like variables, data types, and control flow. However, after the new student learns these new concepts, they will quickly love Python’s relatively simple syntax. Python’s syntax is designed similarly to English, making it easy to read and write. It also makes it very easy for beginners to pick up. 


Those with a little more coding background may find that Python is a shallow learning curve. Python itself is considered one of the easiest coding languages to learn. These students will still have to tackle some python specific concepts, however, such as comprehensions, decorators, and generators. 


It’s important to note that the learning curve for Python is not necessarily a linear progression. Many learners may start feeling like they’re making progress quickly, only to encounter a more difficult concept or problem requiring additional time and effort to fully understand.

The Three Stages of Learning Python

As with most skills, learning Python has three distinct stages: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. 


A beginner coder will be introduced to the basics of Python. This includes learning about data types such as strings, integers, and floating point numbers and basic programming concepts like variables, conditional statements, and loops. Learners at this stage typically work on simple programming exercises, such as calculating the area of a circle or generating a random number. 


At the intermediate stage, learners start to work with more advanced Python concepts and tools. This includes learning about functions, modules, and packages and working with data structures like lists, dictionaries, and tuples. Learners in this stage start to work on more complex programming problems, such as building a calculator or analyzing data from a CSV file. Depending on the position, you may be able to find a job at this level of coding, such as an internship or a junior developer position. 


At the advanced stage, learners deeply understand Python and can work with advanced libraries and frameworks. This includes tools like NumPy for scientific computing, Pandas for data analysis, and Django or Flask for web development. Learners in this stage may work on complex projects such as building a machine learning model or developing a full-scale web application.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

As we briefly mentioned in an earlier section, it can take anywhere from two to six months to get comfortable with the general concepts of Python and start working on programs and projects of your own. But here is a more thorough breakdown. 


The beginner stage is generally brief and can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. The length of this stage depends mostly on the learners’ familiarity with coding languages and concepts before they get started. 


It can take a few months up to a year to get to the intermediate level of Python. By this point, you can grasp more difficult concepts and work on more complex projects. This is also where you can start looking for entry-level career options. 


Finally, the advanced stage takes several years to master. This stage takes dedicated practice and learning to reach.

how long does it take to learn python

Strategies for Learning Python More Quickly

No matter where you are starting, here are a few tips to help you learn Python quickly so that you can start to work on your projects as soon as possible or enter the workforce if that’s your ultimate goal. 


  • Start with the basics: Any advanced knowledge is always built on a strong foundation of basic concepts. 

  • Practice regularly: Whether it be a few times a week or every day, a consistent schedule will help you learn quickly and decrease the chance of you forgetting concepts as you go. 

  • Work on real-world projects: Nothing will help you to learn faster than digging into a real project that will let you use your new skills with different tools and libraries. 

  • Find a study group: If you’re having trouble learning independently, you can likely find a group of fellow-minded learners to work with. You can hold each other accountable, discuss new skills, and work on projects together. 

  • Challenge yourself: Never be afraid to jump into a project that might seem out of your current learning level. If you get stuck, you can always turn to the internet for help and use your problem-solving skills to pick up a new coding skill. 


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Main Takeaways

We hope this article gave you a better idea of how long it takes to learn Python. It can take at least six months for those starting from scratch to become truly comfortable with the coding language, with still plenty of learning. It may take upwards of a year for most learners to feel truly comfortable with the language. 

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