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Python Data Types With Examples

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Learn about different Python data types and how to use them.


Python data types are an important aspect of coding in Python. The data type you use will depend on the variables you input, what you need to store, how you need data organized, and many other factors.


Python typically figures out what data type you need when you input information. However, you may wonder why certain Python data types appear when they do.


Python can be difficult to understand thoroughly, whether you want to know how to list files in the directory in Python or understand string manipulation in Python. Python functions can be complex, and a Python data structure cheat sheet can be helpful.


This article will help you with Python data types. These data types make it easy to keep data organized and accessible, but understanding their purposes and their inputs and outputs can make it easier to input the correct variables to achieve the desired or expected output. Read on to learn all about the Python data types.

How Many Data Types Are There in Python?

You can use over ten data types in Python, but some overlap in purpose and work similarly.

How Do You Specify Data Type in Python?

The newest versions will automatically specify the data type, so no need to specify it manually.

What Is the Difference Between a Variable and a Data Type?

In Python, a variable can change or mutate a data type, defining the type of data stored inside the variable. Data types act as classes, while the variables act as instances of these classes.


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quotation marks

You can use over ten data types in Python, but some overlap in purpose and work similarly.

Our List of Python Data Types With Examples for You

We’re going to discuss the most distinct and commonly used data types below. The sections below will give a brief overview of what each data type is and what it’s used for along with a basic example of the data type with input and output.


The numeric data type uses numbers stored in the database column, typically grouped by exact numeric types or precision and scale values using integer, bigint, decimal, numeric, number, and money. The purpose is to store numbers in large quantities.



num1 = 5

print(num1, ‘is of type’, type(num1))

num2 = 2.0

print(num2, ‘is of type’, type(num2))

num3 = 1+2j

print(num3, ‘is of type’, type(num3))


5 is of type <class ‘int’>

2.0 is of type <class ‘float’>

(1+2j) is of type <class ‘complex’>


The string data type is an immutable data type that can store a sequence made of Unicode characters. It’s similar to the sequence data type but uses different variables to create codes.



name = ‘Python’


message = ‘Python for beginners’




Python for beginners


A sequence data type stores sequential data in an organized fashion and can store data in a variety of variables. It’s considered a container suitable for several types of data, making it a popular data type for diverse storage.



# Python Program for

# Creation of String


# Creating a String

# with single Quotes

String1 = ‘Welcome to the Geeks World’

print(“String with the use of Single Quotes: “)



String with the use of Single Quotes: 

Welcome to the Geeks World

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Boolean is a simple data type that represents truth conditions concerning logical control structures. So, it only stores true and false values, as exemplified below.



1 <= 2



why is coding important


One of the most commonly used Python data types, set data type is ideal for abstract variables and sets of data. It stores unique values in random order, so it works as a computer implementation of a finite set’s mathematical concept.



# create a set named student_id

student_id = {112, 114, 116, 118, 115}

# display student_id elements


# display type of student_id



{112, 114, 115, 116, 118}

<class ‘set’>


The binary is similar to Boolean but is a bit more complex. The binary data type creates binary strings consisting of octets and bytes. People use it to store different types of information, such as IP addresses and RFID tags.





1001 1011 —- 9B (in hex)

1001 1011 —- 155 (in decimal)

1001 1011 —- 233 (in octal)


The dictionary data type represents unordered key and value collections. It’s ideal for the fast search and conjure of values that have been organized into key and value pairs.



# create a dictionary named capital_city

capital_city = {‘Nepal’: ‘Kathmandu’, ‘Italy’: ‘Rome’, ‘England’: ‘London’}



{‘Nepal’: ‘Kathmandu’, ‘Italy’: ‘Rome’, ‘England’: ‘London’}


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The purpose of the none data type is to define a null variable or an object in Python. Like Boolean and Binary, the outputs are very simple and restricted.



# Python none declaration

myVariable = None

# printing 




python data types

Final Thoughts 

Understanding Python data types can help you define the type of variable you’re working with, so you can store and understand data output better. Hopefully, these explanations and Python data type examples will help you work with different variables and sets of data! 

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