This is what I do “No, I do not go with flow all the time, Children are smart and they catch you”.
-Choose a book – Yes just don’t pick a book but choose, I go through them, pick words, build around them.
-Go through them, Question the Author and re tell yourself why is that book you choose what do you want to share. It’s not only the Author but the teller too that will change how the book will be received.
-Being online for a story session is challenging, ‘I look in the screen, express and uses words and book and activity to deliver.
-Keep the rhythm, online classes, ‘I keep in mind to keep looking at all the screens and understanding participants reactions and if all are with me. Work on intonation, dictation and on your speech and voice modulation.
-Try to alternate rhythms according to the story and character and the era or how Author wants to bring the scene. A scene with action can be told frantically and in dramatic way to justify the scene. I work on my voice modulation and that in turn helps children have a clear imagination, and try to make the voices of each character. This brightens the character makes the story memorable.
-Storytelling takes children to places they have never been and helps understand culture and accept people around them. It is beyond time and travel. It offers insight to universal one home and one life experience.
-Promotes understanding self, inculcates patience, enhances listening skill, verbal proficiency.