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What Does The Phrase “Old As Methuselah” Mean?


"Old As Methuselah"

In this video you will learn how to pronounce the phrase “Old As Methuselah”, as well as gain an understanding of its meaning.


David grew up in the Chassidic community of Antwerp, Belgium and he grew up speaking nothing but Yiddish. He is excited to share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

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Methuselah's is a figure mentioned at the beginning of the book of Genesis.

What Does The Phrase "Old As Methuselah" Mean?

Translated as old like Methuselah’s pants. Methuselah is a figure mentioned at the beginning of the book of Genesis. He’s the grandfather of Noah, the famous Noah from Noah and the arc. He had the longest lifespan of everybody.He lived until 969 years old. 


Yiddish, for anyone to say that somebody is very old, you would say they are old like Methuselah. And in my youth, we took it to the next level, and we used to refer to objects as old like Methuselah’s pants.


To learn more Yiddish, you can come to, the newly developed online learning platform where I teach Yiddish.

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