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What Is a Side Hustle, With Examples

BusinessEntrepreneurshipSkillsSoft SkillsArticle

In this day and age, it’s common to need extra income. But what is a side hustle?


Recently, the idea of a side hustle has been popularized, especially among millennials and Gen Z. What is a side hustle? A side hustle is defined as a secondary job or income source that individuals pursue outside their regular job or primary source of income. So brush up your LinkedIn skill list, and let’s go!


After reading this article, readers will better understand what a side hustle is, its benefits, and the different types of side hustles they can pursue. Additionally, readers will learn how to identify their skills, interests, and strengths to create a successful side hustle and strategies for balancing their primary job and side hustle. 


Overall, this article will provide a comprehensive guide to help individuals maximize their potential and find out: What is a side hustle?


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What Is an Example of a Side Hustle?

There are countless examples of side hustles that individuals can pursue to earn extra income, develop new skills, or explore their passions. Here are a few popular side hustle examples:


  • Freelance writing, graphic design, or web development
  • Selling products online through platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or eBay
  • Pet-sitting, dog-walking, or house-sitting
  • Food delivery or ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft
  • Teaching or tutoring online through platforms like VIPKid or Teachable
  • Photography or videography services for events or businesses
  • Personal training or fitness coaching
  • Social media management or influencer marketing
  • Renting out a spare room on Airbnb
  • Virtual assistance or administrative services.


These are just a few examples of side hustles that you can pursue, and the options are endless depending on an individual’s interests, skills, and resources. The key is to identify what one is good at and enjoys doing, then find a way to monetize it.

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Generally, a side hustle is any secondary source of income that individuals pursue outside their primary job.

Is Side Hustling Illegal?

Side hustling, in and of itself, is not illegal. Many people pursue side hustles to augment their income, develop new skills, or explore their passions. However, there may be legal considerations and potential conflicts of interest that individuals should be aware of depending on their specific situation.


For example, some employers may have policies prohibiting employees from engaging in certain side hustles or moonlighting activities that compete with the company’s interests. Additionally, certain professions may have ethical or legal regulations that limit an individual’s ability to engage in outside work.


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What is a Side Hustle

How Much Money Is Considered a Side Hustle?

The amount of money considered a side hustle varies depending on an individual’s situation and industry. Generally, a side hustle is any secondary source of income that individuals pursue outside their primary job. The actual amount can range from a few hundred dollars a month to thousands.


For some people, a side hustle may only bring in a small amount of additional income that is insufficient to support them. However, for others, a side hustle can generate enough income to impact their overall financial situation significantly. Ultimately, the amount of money considered a side hustle is relative to each person’s financial needs and goals.

How To Find a Side Hustle

Finding the right side hustle depends on your skills, interests, and resources. Here are some steps to help you find a side hustle:


  • Assess your skills and interests: Identify your strengths and interests. This information can help you find a side hustle that follows your abilities and passions.
  • Research side hustle opportunities: Look for side hustles that match your skills and interests. Online job boards, social media groups, and local classifieds can be a great place to start your search.
  • Consider your schedule and availability: Determine how much time you can dedicate to a side hustle. If you have limited availability, consider a side hustle that offers flexible hours.
  • Evaluate earning potential: Determine how much you can earn from a potential side hustle. Research the average pay for the type of work you are interested in and consider the costs associated with starting and maintaining the side hustle.
  • Seek advice and guidance: Talk to friends, family members, or colleagues who have pursued side hustles for advice and guidance. They can provide insight into potential opportunities or help you get started.
  • Start small and scale up: Consider starting with a small side hustle that requires minimal investment and gradually expand as you gain experience and build your client base.


Finding a side hustle requires a combination of self-assessment, research, and networking. By following these steps, you can find a side hustle that aligns with your skills, interests, and availability.


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What is a Side Hustle

So, What Is a Side Hustle?

A side hustle is any secondary source of income that individuals pursue outside of their primary job. Side hustles provide individuals with financial stability, a creative outlet, and the opportunity to develop new skills or explore their passions. 


It is relevant to individuals across various industries and roles looking to increase their income, diversify their skills, or explore their passions outside their primary job. By understanding what a side hustle is and following the steps to find one that fits your skills and interests, you can earn extra income and take steps toward achieving your financial goals.


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