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3 Exercises You Can Do From Any Chair


The Best Exercises That Can Be Done From a Chair

In this video, Alexa will show you 3 exercies that can be done while sitting down.


This is perfect for those long days in the office or working from home! Alexa Hanshaw is a functional health and stress management coach and founder of Alexa Hanshaw LLC, on a mission to empower people to become the CEO of their Stress.

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I hope you found these postures and exercises really fun, really easy. You can do them at any point in time, even during a call.

3 Exercises You Can Do While Seated

Hi I’m Alexa Hanshaw, and today I’m going to show you a few easy exercises that you can do at home to help you stretch while you’re at your desk.


1. First and foremost is a forward fold. You want to make sure your feet are flat on the mat, and then you’ll slowly hinge over at your hips. Let your hands and head relax. You’ll stay here for three to five breaths. On your fifth exhale, slowly you’ll begin to roll up one vertebra at a time. Back until you’re sitting up nice and tall.


2. Our second set of postures is going to be a twist. So you bring your right hand to the outside of your chair arm, and then your left hand is going to come to the outside of your right knee. And then you’ll inhale, lengthen up tall. And then as you exhale, you’re going to gently twist towards the right side. You’ll do one more breath just like this.


And then on your next exhale, slowly come back through the center and then we’ll switch sides. Your left hand is going to come to the outside of your chair. Your right hand is going to come to the outside of your left knee and then inhale, lengthen up tall, and then exhale open twist towards the left. We’ll take one more breath here. And then as you exhale, you’ll gently release

coming back through the center.


3. Our last set of exercises is going to be called Cat Cow, really getting some spine mobility. And so as you inhale, you’ll lead with your chest look up, and then as you exhale round your spine, looking inward toward your belly button and you can take as many rounds here and your cat cow as you’re comfortable with.


I would recommend at least three to five to really get the full stretch in.


Again, I hope you found these postures and exercises really fun, and really easy. You can do them at any point in time, even during a call.

I will see you next time. I am so excited for you to book your next class at and I cannot wait to see you.

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