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“Like an Umbrella After The Rain” What Does It Mean?


Learn Your First Expression in Yiddish

In this video, you will learn how to pronounce the phrase “Like an Umbrella After The Rain” in Yiddish, as well as gain an understanding of its meaning.


David grew up in the Chassidic community of Antwerp, Belgium and he grew up speaking nothing but Yiddish. He is excited to share his knowledge of this fascinating language with the rest of the world.

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Shirem means 'umbrella' in Yiddish. Like an umbrella after the rain.

"Like an Umbrella After The Rain" What Does It Mean?

Like an umbrella after the rain. That’s an expression in Yiddish for when something arrives past the time it was needed. Who needs it now? It’s like an umbrella after the rain.

Shirem means ‘umbrella’ in Yiddish. ‘Wie ein Shirem nakh a regn’– Like an umbrella after the rain. 

I teach Yiddish on, the newly developed online learning platform. You’re welcome to come and learn Yiddish with me!

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