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Networking Through LinkedIn

Personal BrandingSoft SkillsArticle

LinkedIn profile building is integral to modern day job hunting. 


COVID-19 has altered many aspects of our lives, including the way we interact with one another. Never before has there been such a strong representation of organizations on the internet. Technology is blurring the divisions between people and nations. It has not only altered but also changed our perspective on remote work. Companies that previously would not consider recruiting from anywhere other than the immediate radius of their operations now hire from the farthest corners of the globe. It not only tends to boost employment but also allows management to find better talent, which is not confined to the city in which they operate. While opportunities are now seemingly limitless, you must first get to them to seize them. 


LinkedIn is a gateway for potential employers and clients to learn more about you and connect with you, and vice versa. When you meet someone who is living your dream and working at a place you want to work, the questions you ask or wish to ask are: How did you get into this company? What job did you have before? And what work experience led you to your current position? 


This information is usually available for free and in a structured manner on LinkedIn, from education to first job to current position. We tend to overlook it because it’s free, for starters. Most people create a profile and then believe their work is done. Unfortunately, that is not how the world works; making a bowl of cereal will not miraculously feed you. You have to pick up the spoon and eat the cereal to feed yourself. Similarly, creating a profile is only the first step; you must utilize it to advance your career and forge meaningful connections. 


What follows is what I wish someone had told me when I was still learning how to use LinkedIn for professional development. Potential connections can be divided into three categories to make them easy to remember and comprehend:


  1. IamNota (Latin for “Already Known”)

  2. Alumni De Faenore ( Latin for “Alumni of Interest”)

  3. Opus Ethica (Latin for “Work Ethic”)

Networking Through LinkedIn

IamNota – “Already Known”

Iam nota consists of people you’re already familiar with. Friends, family members, coworkers, and former acquaintances are part of this group. It includes people from many fields because you knew many of these individuals before settling on a profession. There are fewer opportunities to meet people outside of your field of study once you enter college or begin working compared to when you were in high school. Iam Nota enables the diversity of industries and subject areas within your network. You know their interests and triggers, so starting a conversation and avoiding small talk with Iam Nota is much easier. 


The advantages of this group outpace those of the other two. For instance, if you want to work with them or need assistance with something they have expertise in, your prior connection with them may give you an advantage. To make the most of Iam Nota, you’ve got to know their professional life. This requires observing their areas of expertise and viewing them through the lens of an HR director. You should be able to examine their work history and determine what skills they may have acquired as a result and how those skills can be utilized to your advantage. Everyone has a utility; the key is recognizing and employing it correctly. 


This principle is not restricted to the workplace; if you master the ability to see potential in everyone, you will inevitably become a great leader and effectively use your network. This can be learned with practice and requires an open mind and an observant nature. For instance, if you are conversing with someone who is constantly making you laugh, you should not overlook the fact that they are a fantastic storyteller. Once you begin incorporating this practice into your daily life, the ability to see the potential in others will become second nature. 


Effective networking requires the ability to recall the right individual at the right time. When you enter a conversation, all you need to know about the other person is that they know something you don’t, that they’ve mastered something you barely understand, and that they’ve had an experience you’ve never had. Put your pride on the back burner for a moment and listen to what the other person has to say.

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LinkedIn is a gateway for potential employers and clients to learn more about you and connect with you, and vice versa.

Networking Through LinkedIn

Alumni De Faenore – “Alumni of Interest”

The second group, Alumni de Faenore, consists of former employees of companies with whom you would like to work or collaborate. This group is considered the most crucial for career advancement. Their profile can serve as a guide even if you do not connect with them. If they have previously worked for or currently work for the organization, their qualifications are evident to meet the firm’s requirements.


If you examine many alumni profiles, you will notice a repeated pattern, one called “secret criteria.” For example, according to an article by John A. Byrne, “nearly one in five Harvard business school students had worked at McKinsey, Bain, or BCG.” Using LinkedIn, you can identify these trends and predict the unspoken criteria that aren’t mentioned in the job requirements. To get the most out of Alumni de Faenore, you must communicate with precision, clarity, and persuasion. Most of them will not refuse to give resume reviews or general career advice. However, avoid explicitly asking for a job or internship. Allow them time to get to know you, tell them about your passion project, and establish rapport; if you appear to be a good fit, they will offer you the opportunity.


Here’s a few tips to help you make the most out of Alumni de Faenore:


  • Assume working for Disney is your dream occupation. Visit Walt Disney’s LinkedIn page, tap “See all 157,980 employees on LinkedIn,” and use filters such as location and current company to narrow your search. Utilize their profiles as roadmaps, and learn something from each one. Compare your qualifications to those who have held or currently hold the desired position.

  • Search for a company’s name and select “Jobs” to view available positions or create an alert if a new position becomes available.

  • Tap events to learn more about the company by attending events and webinars. Only do the last step if you are genuinely interested in working for the company.

Opus Ethica – “Work Ethic”

The third group is known as Opus Ethica, Latin for “work ethic,” and is composed of anyone capable of educating you on work ethics. This group can include people you admire, pages you find interesting or thought-provoking, and people who inspire you in some way. Lastly, connections can be primarily developed through LinkedIn but are never limited to it. Networking events, conferences, workspace collaborations, career fairs, and workshops are excellent places to build connections. 



To learn more about networking through LinkedIn, book an online class with me today. If you’re interested in more information, take a look at my page on Amphy.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

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