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Skills Examples for Students: Skills Students Need To Be Successful

SkillsSoft SkillsTop List

Our top picks of skills examples for students will empower you to take control of your academic journey. 

Whether you have aspirations of being a famous artist or becoming a master at computer programming, it takes more than memorization of hard facts and figures to excel in school. 


Instead, you need to develop a mix of hard and soft skills that make you an efficient, effective student with a fully-equipped toolbox for navigating every challenge you might face during your academic career. 


But what skills do students need to succeed, and what can you do to help them blossom? That’s where skills examples for students come in.


We will break down eight skills examples for students that you need to know to thrive in your academic life and that set the foundation in place for you to become a lifelong learner.


We’ll also empower you with actionable tips you can use to cultivate these skills examples for students so you can tackle everything that comes your way, from communicating with your group members about a project to creating your first resume.

What Are the Five Skill Types?

The five skill types are technical/hard, soft, transferable, job-related, and adaptive skills. 

What Skills Look Good on a College Resume?

Many skills look good on a college resume, including collaboration, leadership, and time management. These skills would help you succeed in your college courses and a professional setting. 

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The five skill types are technical/hard, soft, transferable, job-related, and adaptive skills.

How Do You List Skills on a Student’s Resume?

When listing skills on a student’s resume, you should focus on the most relevant to the job or school you’re applying to. 


For example, if you’re applying for a job in the IT department on campus, it would be helpful to list any programming languages you know, while a restaurant job would look for customer service skills.

skills examples for students

Our List of Skills Examples of Students Ideas for You

Set yourself up for academic and lifelong success with these skills examples for students. 

1. Personal Planning

As a student, you must juggle multiple classes, after-school jobs, and your personal life or risk feeling overwhelmed. Personal planning helps you manage your days to ensure you’re always aware of what you have coming up. 


  • Use a planner or bullet journey to jot down assignment deadlines and extracurricular activities. 
  • Plan ahead by breaking projects down into smaller, more manageable tasks. 
  • Identify what’s most urgent and important with time management strategies like the Eisenhower Matrix or Pomodoro timers. 

2. Communication

Being an excellent communicator–both verbally and in writing–enables you to get information across to others more effectively and fosters healthy relationships. 


  • Practice active listening by paying attention to what others say rather than waiting for your chance to speak. 
  • Speak and write with clarity. Say what you mean to avoid misunderstands. 
  • Watch your body language. Your gestures and facial expressions can be just as meaningful as your words. 

3. Critical Thinking

In the digital age, we are often overwhelmed with information that isn’t useful or accurate. With critical thinking skills, you can apply logic and reasoning to make objective judgments.


  • Be curious and ask questions rather than taking information at face value. 
  • Avoid making decisions based on your emotions or gut reactions. Instead, use logic to figure out the best possible solution.
  • Reflect often on your personal biases and how they might affect your thinking. 

4. Collaboration

Regardless of your long-term aspirations in academia or the professional world, you will face situations where you must work with others to accomplish a common goal. 


  • Engage fully with the group, contributing ideas and listening to what others say. 
  • Divide tasks equally and thoughtfully based on each individual’s strengths. 
  • Manage conflicts constructively rather than letting a minor disagreement escalate into a more serious issue. 

5. Research

Google makes diving into dusty tomes a thing of the past, but there’s still an art to researching to find the most accurate and credible information.


  • Learn to evaluate sources for their reliability. 
  • Take high-quality, skimmable notes organized into sections. 
  • Practice analyzing and synthesizing data from different visual models, like charts and graphs. 


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skills examples for students

6. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, often shortened to “EQ,” lets you understand and manage your emotions while boosting your ability to empathize with other people.


  • Identify and understand your emotions. Recognize when you’re experiencing them and why. 
  • Apply techniques like mindfulness or deep breathing to regulate your negative feelings before they get out of hand. 
  • Put yourself in other people’s shoes to gain perspective on their behaviors before jumping to conclusions about why someone is reacting a particular way. 

7. Digital Literacy

Unsurprisingly, one of the essential skills examples for students is digital literacy, or the ability to use technology and the internet.


  • Hone your computer skills like typing and basic troubleshooting. 
  • Demonstrate proper digital etiquette by being respectful and responsible online. 
  • Learn the common signs of online scams and protect yourself with robust privacy settings. 

8. Resilience

Finally, you should develop your sense of perseverance and tenacity so that when things get hard, you stick with it rather than throw in the towel at the first sign of adversity. 


  • See challenges as new opportunities to learn rather than hurdles to your success. 
  • Develop healthy coping and stress management habits. 
  • Build a strong support network of loved ones and mentors you can reach out to for guidance. 

Final Thoughts 

These skills examples for students are worth taking the time to develop. They’ll help you manage the stress of academics and serve you well in your future professional endeavors by helping you become a more valuable and well-rounded lifelong learner. 


Amphy is an excellent platform for students to learn skills. With Amphy, students can explore a wide range of subjects and gain valuable knowledge and expertise. So, whether you’re looking to enhance your academic performance, acquire new practical skills, or develop personal interests, Amphy provides a diverse array of courses and resources to cater to your needs.

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