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21 of the Best Ways to Learn Spanish

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Spanish is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. You can reach fluency in as little as 600 hours. Here are 21 of the best ways to learn Spanish.

1. Spanish Classes

Not everyone enjoys group language classes, but for those willing to try, it presents a unique opportunity to practice Spanish with other learners at the same level while providing guided lessons.


You can try this Spanish for Beginners group class at Amphy, where you’ll be guided by an experienced teacher.

2. Total Immersion

While it’s often unrealistic for financial reasons or otherwise, the best way to learn any language is always total immersion. If you can move to a country that speaks Spanish, you’ll be forced to live in the language and pick it up quite quickly as a native speaker would.


3. Language Exchange

Through school or other cultural exchanges, you can travel or commune with Spanish speakers daily. This isn’t usually a total immersion experience, but it’s pretty close. Some exchanges are in person while some take place online. You learn Spanish while teaching someone else English.

4. Private Tutor

A one-on-one tutor will be solely dedicated to you, and you’ll be able to focus on the aspects that are more difficult for you. Working with a tutor will give you fast results and let you explore the areas and topics in Spanish that you’re interested in.

5. Language Buddy

If you’re lucky enough to have a Spanish-speaking friend or co-worker, you can ask them to teach you or speak to you in Spanish as practice. Start slowly with things like greetings before moving on to basic descriptors. Save abstract language for when you’ve mastered the basics.

6. Shows and Movies

Watching Spanish shows and movies is a great way to immerse yourself in the language. Use Spanish English subtitles until you get a basic grasp of the language, then switch to Spanish. Once you’ve leveled up, turn off subtitles to focus on listening.

7. Music

Another one of the best ways to learn Spanish and practice listening skills is to listen to lots of Spanish music. Music is fantastic for helping us remember words and will help you practice pronunciation, too, if you sing along.

8. Reading

Reading is essential for learning Spanish. Start simple with children’s books and comics. Novels have complex and abstract language, so avoid those for a while until your Spanish improves. Reading labels or setting your phone language to Spanish are good places to start.


You can also try Amphy’s Like Water For Chocolate Book Club, where you’ll have the chance to discuss this book with a tutor and other classmates. 

9. Writing

Writing with your own words in Spanish will help to solidify words you’ve already learned in your mind. Writing is a fantastic method of retention and improves your understanding of grammar, sentence structure, and word meanings. Try leaving sticky notes for yourself in Spanish to learn the names of objects or tasks.

10. Apps

Language apps are a fantastic place to get free Spanish lessons. Try a variety and use them consistently. Consistency is a huge part of language learning. Get an all-around app that has full lessons, one that focuses on reading comprehension, one for grammar, and an offline dictionary to look up words on the fly.

11. Text Books

While studying textbooks isn’t always fun, it can be extremely helpful to have properly ordered lessons. Many language learners give up because they don’t know how to progress. With a Spanish textbook, you can work chapter by chapter and set mini goals along the way.

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Spanish is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn

a food stand in mexico

12. Flash Cards

Flashcards, especially spaced repetition flashcards, will help you expand your Spanish vocabulary quickly and efficiently. You will remember what you learn and be able to move on to new words.

13. Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to listen to Spanish when you’re too busy to study. Podcasts can be in lesson format or simply conversations in Spanish. Either way, you can always find time during the day to squeeze one in, whether it’s during the drive to work, while you’re on a walk, or before bed.

14. Spanish News

Watching and reading the news in Spanish will not only improve your language skills but also give you current and relevant topics to discuss in Spanish. Newscasts are also often done in a more formal Spanish than conversational and will give you perspective on different types of Spanish.

15. Learn the Culture

A huge part of learning a language is understanding the culture it comes from. Get interested in Spanish culture; try the food, partake in holidays, and learn the traditions and history. Understanding the culture will help you relate to the people and language, as well as give you insight into things like slang terms.

16. Go to Language Meet-ups

Language meet-ups are perfect for testing your speaking skills, figuring out what areas need improvement, and keeping the language fresh in your mind. They’re fantastic for those who don’t often get the chance to practice speaking Spanish.

17. Speaking

Speak in Spanish whenever you can, even if you’re just talking to yourself. Describe what you are doing while you cook or clean, or what you see as you drive to pick up your kids from school. This will help with memory and pronunciation and give you confidence in your Spanish abilities.


If you don’t have anyone to speak with at home, Amphy has available a conversational Spanish course.

18. Explore Your Interests in Spanish

If you love fashion, engineering, or cooking, start learning it in Spanish. Learn the terms, how to talk about it in Spanish, and how to do it in Spanish. If you adore art, start by learning the colors in Spanish.

19. Start a New Hobby in Spanish

Starting a new Spanish hobby can be a fabulous way to associate Spanish with something you enjoy, and since you will only know it in Spanish, it will force you to practice every time you refer to it. Join a Spanish-speaking sports team, start knitting with Spanish instructions, or learn trivia in Spanish.

20. Test Yourself

A vital step in language learning is having goals and constantly reassessing your progress. Testing yourself along the way is the perfect way to do that. Fluency tests, grammar tests, and school tests are good ways to do this. You want a method that gives you a clear, numerical result.

21. Get Excited and Have Fun

Language learners that stick with it and achieve fluency do so because they are consistent in their learning. Consistency comes from wanting to learn, so make Spanish fun and exciting. Change it up and add new challenges. Do it because you enjoy it.

Wrapping up

Learning Spanish can seem daunting, and it will take time and a lot of patience, but now that you know what are some of the best ways to learn Spanish, nothing’s stopping you from achieving your fluency goals!

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