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Amphy Launches Blog: Don’t Stop Discovering When Life Stops Teaching

Online TeachingNews

This year, Amphy launched a brand new blog. The blog was filled with content for students, hobbyists, and remote office workers. It aims to better serve the growing audience with valuable industry insights.

The blog features a beautiful aesthetic with the signature Amphy brand colors and an easy-to-use interface. With many interesting categories, and topics to read about users will never want to close their laptops. The blog is constantly being updated with new and original content aligned with Amphy’s brand identity, vision, and mission. The newest addition to the website will further progress the company’s goal of creating a brighter us.  

The goal of the sensational Amphy blog is to provide users with a place to grow their passions and interests by reading. Amphy offers live online sessions that take place at a designated time. So when you’re waiting for your class to start, the blog is there for you to enjoy.

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You can explore your favorite topics and interests by reading fascinating articles, helpful how-tos, the latest news updates, and more. Now users will enjoy a more complete experience when visiting Amphy. With the live courses and experiences, combined with the new blog and youtube video content, Amphy is unbeatable. 


Omri Brill, CEO, and founder of Amphy says, “In today’s world, content is becoming crucial. It answers our audience’s questions, helps to build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and increase engagement. Customers expect consistent, high-quality content from their favorite brands, which is what Amphy’s new blog is about. The new blog is an exciting addition to our website, allowing professionals from around the world to connect, read and share opinions.”

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A magnificent library of articles, how-tos, news, top lists, and videos. Captivating and educating our audience beyond Amphy’s live online courses and events.

Our mission at Amphy is to connect and enrich lives all over the world. With the launch of our new blog and the useful articles within, we are one step closer to that goal. 

As they say, content is king. The additional information that the blog provides, will make the user experience on Amphy much better. The blog is filled with more than just original content from The Amphy Team. Students, teachers, and even guest bloggers will have the opportunity to write their own content for the blog. This makes Amphy blog more than a blog but a thriving online community. 


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These authors from across the world wide web, not only provide valuable content, but they increase Amphy’s domain authority. Celebrities and influencers alike link to Amphy on their websites and internet profiles. These links increase Amphy’s reach and brand credibility in the eyes of users and the all-powerful google webmaster’s guidelines. 


With the combined effort of providing amazing content and credibility from respected sources, Amphy expects to see growth in CTR and organic traffic. 


The organic traffic leads to more brand awareness and transactions on our courses and experiences. Soon, Amphy will be a household name for every home and office around the world. Anyone looking for a course or experience from a remote location can get exactly what they are looking for. 

Amphy is constantly expanding, adapting, and finding new ways to improve. Now you can take live courses and experiences, watch youtube videos, and read fascinating blog articles. We’re excited to see where our innovations will take us.

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