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How To Learn a New Language by Yourself


No matter what languages you already speak, learning a new language can be fun and useful. There are plenty of ways to use a new language.


From Spanish to French, you can discover how to learn a new language by yourself with time and dedication. Once you know a new language, you can use it in daily life. You can use your new language at work, as part of a hobby during content writing courses, and if you need to connect with a health coach who speaks a different language.  


Many people go to school to learn a language. However, that environment does not work for everyone. Whether you do not have time to attend regular classes, there is not a class in your area, or you prefer working on your own, learning a language on your own is perfectly viable. 


To discover how to learn a new language by yourself, there are a few steps to follow to get the best possible results. Read on to learn how to learn a new language by yourself. 

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

What Is Learning a New Language?

When you learn a new language you gain skills allowing you to speak, write, comprehend, and read. The process can involve practicing all those skills and immersing yourself in a language. It is also essential to learn about any cultures that use that language. 


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No matter what languages you already speak, learning a new language can be fun and useful.

The #1 Reason Why You Need To Learn a New Language

The biggest reason you should learn a new language is that it allows you to communicate with new people. Learning a new language is also healthy for your brain. 

Which Languages Are Easiest To Learn?

The simplest language to learn will depend on the languages you already know. In general, it is easiest to learn a language similar to those you already know. For example, if you already know English, romance languages, such as French, Spanish, and Italian, along with Germanic languages, such as German, are the easiest to learn. 

What Languages Are the Hardest To Learn?

Like the easiest languages to learn, the most difficult languages will also depend on the ones you already know. So, for an English speaker, languages with different structures and origins, such as Arabic, Finnish, and Mandarin Chinese are some of the toughest options. 

man interviewing over zoom call

How To Learn a New Language By Yourself in 5 Easy Steps

If you want to know how to learn a new language by yourself, here are a few easy steps that will help you in the learning process. 

        1. Assess Your Skill Level

The first thing you need to do when learning a new language determines your skill level. If you already know a few words in a language, you may be able to skip a level. However, if a language is new, you will likely need to start at the very beginning. 


To gauge your skill level, practice reading or listening to some basic words in a language and see if you recognize anything. The more words you recognize, the higher the difficulty level you may be able to start. It can be tempting to push yourself to a higher difficulty level. However, doing so may cause you to miss vital foundational work.  

        2. Gather Resources

Many different resources can help you teach yourself a language. The right resources for you will depend on your learning style. So, it is good to try several options and see which works best for you. Some good learning aids include books, videos, music, conversation groups, courses, and apps. 


Try to have options that teach you how to read, write, listen, and speak a language. Due to how the brain absorbs language, you may find some of these elements easier than others. Do not get discouraged if one area seems to be lacking. Simply keep working on different areas. 


        3. Make Your Schedule


Making a schedule for learning is vital for teaching yourself a new language. Create an achievable schedule, with a range of your different resources. Avoid making something you will not be able to stick to. Encouraging your confidence is key when it comes to learning a language. 


At first, you can start simply with less than half an hour of practice several times a week. For example, you can try to practice vocabulary on Mondays, listen to grammar on Wednesdays, and read aloud on Fridays. 


        4. Form Good Habits


The key to learning a new language is engaging in good habits. Since language learning is so complicated, it is easy to backslide into not studying enough. Set yourself up for success by laying the groundwork for good learning habits. 


Try to balance your studies between challenges and easy fun. Use the fun pieces to reward yourself for doing the more difficult tasks on your list. Once you get used to doing the work, you will likely be able to stick to your studies more. 

        5. Set Goals

Try setting short-term and long-term goals for yourself with your language learning. A short-term goal may be finishing a certain number of lessons or worksheets, while a long-term goal may be traveling to a place where you can use a language in your everyday life. 


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Tips for Successful Independent Language Learning

  • It is essential to have fun when learning a language. Otherwise, it is difficult to engage with the material. 
  • The most important step, when learning a new language is balancing challenging yourself with approachability. 
  • Learning about related cultures is vital for keeping your interest in a language and understanding how the language intersects with the culture. 
  • Review constantly. It can be tempting to keep learning new information. However, review old topics as often as you learn new ones to give yourself a strong foundation.

Final Thoughts

Learning a new language helps you connect with other cultures, engage with different media, exercise your brain, and have new experiences. Though you may think you need to go to school to learn a language, with the right steps you can learn on your own. Make the process easy on yourself by trying a language course at Amphy. 

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